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Article ID4
Created On4/28/2009
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How can I make an item clickable in the DNN Rotator Module?

If you would like to make your items or part of your items clickable in the Content Rotator module for DNN you can achieve this in an easy way. Open your rotator item by clicking "Edit items" in the context menu and selecting the item on the following page. The item is now opened in the DNN text editor. Select the part of the item you whish to make clickable and click on the "Add hyperlink" icon in your editor (The exact name and function varies depending on which editor your website uses). Add the url and save your item.

If you have clickable items it is recommended to setup the module to pause when your visitor hovers over the item. This will make it easier for them to click on the item and prevents it from rotating while they are trying to click on it.